Friday 27 October 2017

Pi Prozessbuch Gleitenden Durchschnitt

PI-SQC (Statistische Qualitätskontrolle) PI-SQC automatisiert die Aufgabe, den Prozessverlauf zu verfolgen und statistische Berechnungen durchzuführen, um eine konsistente langfristige SQC-Historie des Prozessverhaltens zu erreichen. OSI Software, Inc. SQC Berechnungen und Diagramme für die Prozess-Historie PI-SQC automatisiert die Aufgabe, den Prozessverlauf zu verfolgen und statistische Berechnungen durchzuführen, um eine konsistente langfristige SQC-Historie des Prozessverhaltens zu erreichen. Es ist ein Client-Anwendungs-Add-In für PI-ProcessBook. Es ruft Daten aus dem PI-Datenarchiv und aus einer ODBC-Datenbank ab und führt dann statistische Berechnungen durch, um das Datenverhalten zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse sind auf einem dreiteiligen PI-SQC-Diagramm dargestellt. Dieses Diagramm wird innerhalb eines Standard-PI-ProzessBook-Displays oder einer unabhängigen Anzeigedatei platziert. PI-SQC-Diagrammkomponenten Wenn der Benutzer ein PI-SQC-Diagramm entwirft, gibt es drei Hauptkomponenten, das Kontrolldiagramm, das Histogramm und eine Legende von Basisinformationen. Jede dieser Komponenten kann auf verschiedene Weise konfiguriert und formatiert werden, und jede von ihnen kann weggelassen werden. Was ist SQC SQC (Statistical Quality Control), um Prozessvariationen zu identifizieren. SQC wird typischerweise in einem Format dargestellt, das als Kontrolltabelle bekannt ist. Kontrolltafeln (mit Regelgrenzen oder Spezifikationen) zu Istprozessen differenzieren zwischen zufälligen Schwankungen der Daten und wahren Prozessverschiebungen. Control Charts grafisch zu bewerten, ob ein Prozess in einem Zustand der statistischen Kontrolle ist. Verschiedene Arten von Kontroll-Charts werden üblicherweise verwendet, einschließlich durchschnittlicher, gleitender Durchschnitt, Bereich, Standardabweichung und CUSUM. SQC in der Prozessindustrie Während der Kunde oftmals Produktspezifikationen festlegt, ist der Produktionsprozess theoretisch in der Lage, seine gesamte Leistung den strengsten Produktspezifikationen zu erfüllen oder zu übertreffen. Die Rentabilität der Pflanze kann häufig verbessert werden, indem die Menge des produzierten hochwertigsten Produkts erhöht wird. SQC ist eine Technik zur Erreichung dieser Qualitätsziele und zur Festlegung von Benchmarks zur Überwachung von Leistungsverbesserungen. SQC wurde in vielen Unternehmen mit großen wirtschaftlichen Erträgen eingesetzt. Die Implementierung ist jedoch oft aufgrund der fehlenden verfügbaren Daten und wegen der umfangreichen Berechnungen und Graphiken, die bei großen Datensätzen erforderlich sind, begrenzt. 777 Davis St. Suite 250, San Leandro, CA 94577. Tel: 510-297-5800. Fax: 510-357-8136.ADMs Reise zu einem Enterprise Agreement Presenter: Scott Harmeier. Archer Daniels Midland Company Scott wird ADMs Reise von seiner ursprünglichen PI Umsetzung durch die Fertigstellung seiner Unternehmensvereinbarung zu teilen. ADMs Nutzung des PI-System hat sich im Laufe der Jahre entwickelt, wie es die Macht der Daten zur Verbesserung ihrer Prozess-Operationen realisiert. Der Wunsch, die Prozessdaten in Informationen umzuwandeln, die für alle Unternehmensebenen gelten, gipfelte schließlich in der Verfolgung eines Unternehmensabkommens. Scott wird erklären, die Ereignisse und die Motivation, die bis zur Unternehmensvereinbarung und diskutieren die Methoden verwendet, um das obere Management zu überzeugen, dass die Unternehmensvereinbarung war eine gute Passform für ADMs langfristige Ziele. Kundenpräsentation Highlight Während jeder User Conference bieten unsere Moderatoren unterhaltsame, kreative und informative Gespräche. Es gibt immer zwei oder drei Präsentationen, in denen neuartige Datensätze, innovative Anwendungsfälle oder neue Ansätze zu langjährigen Problemen uns überraschen und uns mehr lernen wollen. In dieser Keynote-Präsentation werden unsere MC Christoph Papenfuss und Andrew Fanara Highlights aus diesen Standout-Sessions zu teilen, um die gesamte Konferenz Publikum einen Vorgeschmack auf das, was sich während dieser Sitzungen. 2014 Releases: Kundenperspektiven Dieses Gespräch konzentriert sich auf aktuelle und kurzfristige Produkt-Releases. Coresight mobile, ProcessBook Viewer, Event Frames, PI Cloud Connect und AF Analytics werden präsentiert. Eine Reihe von PI-Kunden wird OSIsoft während dieser Diskussion beitreten, um ihre aktuelle oder geplante Verwendung dieser Freigaben zu diskutieren und den Wert, den diese Freigaben zu ihren Organisationen bringen. FIELD MOUS: Ein technisches Data Repository für die Aktivierung von JIT Decision Making Presenter: Francisco Castillo, Ph. D. PMP. Senior Vice President und Chief Information Officer Maynilad Water Services, Inc. Eine Herausforderung in jedem Unternehmen ist genau zu verstehen, wo Sie zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zeit, sei es finanziell oder operativ. Für Operationen ist die Herausforderung besonders akut, da die benötigten Informationen in mehreren Quellen liegen, von denen einige geschlossen und schwer zu extrahieren sind. Darüber hinaus sind technische Datenquellen traditionell von IT-Abteilungen aufgrund ihres mangelnden Fachwissens im Umgang mit diesen technischen Systemen und des Mangels an tiefem Wissen darüber, was die Benutzer tatsächlich benötigen, nicht gut abgewickelt worden. Diese Diskussion konzentriert sich auf das getaufte FIELD MOUS-System (Field MOnitoring User System), das im Wesentlichen ein PI-System ist, das als Repository von technischen Daten dient, in die verschiedene Abteilungen ihre Daten einbinden und andere Abteilungen auf sie zugeschnitten sind. Dies ist ein langfristiges, stufenweises Projekt, das darauf abzielt, alle benötigten technischen Daten zu sammeln und Berichte und Analysen basierend auf tatsächlichen technischen Anforderungen zu erstellen. Anwendungen, die im Zuge der Entwicklung entwickelt wurden, beinhalten Telemetrie, Automatisierung, konventionelle Dosierung und AMR, Schadenanalyse (NRW), Armaturenbretter, CBM und Druckmanagement. Es schließt mit tatsächlichen Nutzen aus dieser Umsetzung abgeleitet. Sein Ihr Schiff: Erreichen Durchbruch Leistung Presenter: Kapitän Mike Abrashoff. Ehemaliger US Naval Commander, Leadership amp Performance Experte, Best Selling Author Als Mike Abrashoff Commander der USS Benfold wurde, war er der jüngste Commanding Officer in der Pacific Fleet. Herausforderungen an Bord dieser unterlegenen Zerstörer schwankten mit niedriger Moral und der höchsten Umschlagsrate in der Marine. Seine Lösung war ein System, das er den Leadership Roadmap nannte. Itrsquos ein Prozess der Re-Vorstellung Führung und den Austausch von Befehl und Kontrolle mit Engagement und Zusammenhalt. Indem er die Herzen, Köpfe und Loyalitäten seiner Matrosen engagierte, erreichte er einen operativen Erfolg, der nie zuvor erreicht wurde. Durch Überzeugung und Demut engagierte Abrashoff seine junge Mannschaft durch Ermächtigung. Er glaubte, "Das Wichtigste, was ein Kapitän tun kann, ist, das Schiff durch die Augen der crew. quot Nach dem Verlassen der Navy Abrashoff Mitbegründer GLS Worldwide und hat mit mehr als 1.000 Organisationen, von Non-Profit zu Fortune gearbeitet Zehn Unternehmen, die Initiativen auf allen Ebenen einführen. Indem er den Wert der Befähigung jedes Einzelnen, die Verantwortung für das Erreichen von Exzellenz zu teilen, lehren, hat er phänomenale Veränderungen in einigen der unerwartetesten Orte bewirkt. "Ihr Schiff, sagte Abrashoff würde auf der Benfold sagen, dies hat sich zu einem Stichwort in ganz Amerika. Auf dem Weg zu einer Echtzeit-Welt: Event Traffic, Data Ecosystems und Collaborative Innovation Als fortschrittliche Sensoren, mobile Technologie und das Internet der Dinge aussetzen eine Flut von operativen Daten, Führer suchen, wie man auf ldquobig data. rdquo Dr. Kennedy adressieren Auftauchende Tendenzen und wie OSIsoftrsquos grundlegende Mission, um sicherzustellen, dass Kunden Zugang zu ihren Daten, wann immer, aber und wo immer erforderlich, bleibt fundamental in diesem Umfeld. Kleine Daten bedeuten großes Geld, egal ob auf der Anlage oder in der C-Suite, operative Daten dienen weiterhin als Grundlage für eine fundierte Entscheidungsfindung. Dr. Kennedy wird diskutieren, wie ein PI-System Ansatz zu gestalten, zu validieren und zu schützen, kritische Daten erstellen genaue, nachvollziehbare und umsetzbare Informationen dient. Skalierung, Flexibilität und Konnektivität ldquoBigrdquo startet mit wenig Daten. Im Laufe der Zeit haben sich die Anwender des PI-Systems von der Überwachung einzelner, kritischer Assets bis hin zu Anlagenbereichen bis hin zu ganzen Anlagen und schließlich quer durch die Anlagen weiterentwickelt. Da Barrieren für effiziente Verbindungen gesenkt werden, verstärken die vom PI-System unterstützten Datenökosysteme die Verbindungen von Connected Services, Transportation und Smart City. Partner: Andere Unternehmen bieten Software für Messtechnik, Analyse oder Dienstleistungen, die unsere Kunden benötigen. Im vergangenen Jahr beschloss OSIsoft, unsere Beziehung zu diesen Unternehmen durch ein verbessertes Partnerprogramm zu verbessern. Wir finden und arbeiten mit den anderen Unternehmen weiter, um unsere Produkte besser zu integrieren und unseren Kunden zu dienen. Durch die Einhaltung unserer Grundwerte als technologischer Fortschritt unterstützt OSIsoft alle seine Kunden. Industrielle Anwender betrachten die Lebensdauer einer Prozesseinheit in der Größenordnung von 50 Jahren und damit Software mit einer Lebensdauer von 5 Jahren ist einfach nicht akzeptabel. Unser Ziel ist es, das am besten geeignete System für heute zu bauen und gleichzeitig unsere Nutzer zu schützen und ihre Investitionen zu schützen und das Unternehmen so gut zu halten, dass es so weiter geht. Setzen Sie sich auf die Karte: Die Fusion des PI-Systems Esri ArcGIS Esri ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Daten und Anwendungen zu maximieren, indem sie aufzeigen, wo in ihren Unternehmensdaten. Esri ArcGIS erweitert den Wert traditioneller Unternehmensanwendungen um die Integration von GIS (geographische Informationssysteme), mit denen Sie Daten visualisieren, fragen, analysieren, interpretieren und verstehen können. Es besteht aus einer skalierbaren Plattform, die in der Cloud, auf mobilen Geräten und in bestehenden IT-Systemen funktioniert. Das Ergebnis ist der Zugang zu besseren Informationen für Organisationen auf allen Ebenen, die Beziehungen, Muster und Trends, die sonst gesperrt bleiben würde, auslöst. OSIsoft und Esri arbeiten zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Leistung Ihrer Daten mit GIS nutzen können. Indem Echtzeit-Netzwerkdaten und historische Informationen auf einer Karte angezeigt werden, können Sie Muster sehen, die auf Geographie basieren und räumliche Analysen durchführen. Die Kombination von Esri ArcGIS, dem PI-System, bringt Ihre Daten zum Leben und bringt Sie auf die Karte. Die Power of (Ihre) Daten Big Data, Power BI, Mobilität erkennen, was sie wirklich für Ihr Unternehmen bedeuten und wie sie Ihren Boden verbessern können Line Die Nutzung der Informationen, die Sie bereits auf neue Art und Weise können Ihnen helfen, nicht nur mehr mit weniger, aber NEU mit weniger. Hören Sie über die innovativen Möglichkeiten, mit denen Unternehmen und Regierungen eins ihrer größten Vermögenswerte nutzen, um Einblicke, Effizienz und Sicherheit zu erhöhen. Syngenta Enogen Business Fallstudie: Unsere Evolution für vernetzte Services Das Unternehmen Syngentas Enogen hat das OSIsoft PI-System seit weniger als zwei Jahren eingesetzt, hat es aber bereits zu einem zentralen und integralen Bestandteil der Strategie gemacht, um diese neue, aber kritisch wichtige Syngenta rasch weiterzuentwickeln Geschäft. Die Präsentation wird die Transformationsreise, die das Enogen-Team genommen hat, untersuchen, die die Verwendung von vielen der neuesten OSIsoft PI - und Microsoft-Technologien einschließlich Windows Azure, Asset Framework und Event Frames umfasst. Syngenta hat vor kurzem auch eine neue Lizenzvereinbarung zur Bereitstellung von Connected Services für Stakeholder-Anlagen eingeleitet. Dadurch kann das Enogen-Team die PI-Arbeit nutzen, die ursprünglich für den internen Gebrauch mit den Anlagen durchgeführt wurde, die die Daten bereitstellen und die verwalteten Informationen über die PI-Suite für Analyse-, Reporting - und Visualisierungswerkzeuge freigeben. Der Connected Services-Ansatz wird derzeit an einem wichtigen Ethanol-Pflanzen-Stakeholder gesteuert. System Zuverlässigkeit Columbia Pipeline Group Für die Columbia Pipeline Group (CPG), die Branchenführer im Kundenservice zu sein und den Anforderungen unserer äußerst wettbewerbsfähigen Industrie gerecht zu werden, müssen wir mit hoher Zuverlässigkeit sicher und effizient arbeiten. CPG bedient einige der höchstwertigen Energiemärkte der Nationen über unsere Erdgasübertragungs - und - speicheranlagen. Die interstate Pipeline erstreckt sich 15.000 Meilen und erstreckt sich über 16 Staaten mit etwa 1,1 Millionen PS Kompression in über 100 Stationen untergebracht. In der Columbia Pipeline Group ermöglicht die OSIsoft Enterprise-Vereinbarung die Nutzung der führenden Technologie, um Big Data-Entscheidungen zu treffen. Wir analysieren Echtzeitdaten zur Vermeidung von Ereignisereignissen durch Anwendung von OSIsoft-, Microsoft - und Transpara-Tools mit einer geschätzten Ausfallvermeidungseinsparung von etwa 2 Millionen auf dem neuesten Stand. Analyse und Überwachung von Daten erlaubt CPG vor kurzem einige der kältesten Lieferzeiten in 30 Jahren Wetter. Am 6. und 7. Januar rangiert der CPG-Durchsatz in den fünf höchsten Höchstwerten seit den ersten fünf Tagen seit 1981. Während die Nordost-Nachfrage während des Polarwirbels Rekordergebnisse verzeichnete, verliefen die Aktivitäten der Columbia Pipeline Group zuverlässig ohne Unterbrechungen der Erdgaslieferungen. Ein Kunde würdigte Anerkennung, ich wollte mich nur bei CPG dafür bedanken, dass er uns helfen konnte, unseren Kunden zuverlässig und sicher durch einige der schwierigsten Bedingungen zu dienen, die in Jahren, vielleicht Jahrzehnten, erlebt wurden. Jüngste Ereignisse beweisen, dass die Fähigkeit, potentielle Fehler frühzeitig zu erkennen, einen enormen Wert nicht nur für CPG, sondern auch für unsere Kunden und die Umwelt bietet. Die Macht der Daten Entscheidung in Echtzeit bereit Jenny Kennedy Linton - Präsident und Martin Otterson - Senior Vice President, begrüßen die Teilnehmer auf unserer 25. jährlichen Nutzer Konferenz. Sie werden dann unser Konferenzthema vorstellen: Power of Data - Entscheidungsreife in Echtzeit, die von unseren drei Schlüsselthemen Power der Verbindung, Entfesselung Ihrer Infrastruktur und Informationen auf dem Spot unterstützt wird. The Second Machine Age Andrew teilt wichtige Themen aus seinem neuen Buch The Second Machine Age veröffentlicht im Januar. Es beschreibt seine Überzeugung, dass wir an einem Wendepunkt sind die frühen Stadien einer Verschiebung so tief wie das, was durch die industrielle Revolution gebracht wurde und eingeleitet durch die unerbittliche Zunahme der Rechenleistung, Masse Datafication und rekombinante Innovationen. Power BI für Office 365, ein Cloud-basierter Business-Intelligence-Service, der Menschen eine leistungsfähige neue Möglichkeit bietet, mit Daten in den Tools zu arbeiten, die sie jeden Tag, Excel und Office 365 verwenden. Mit Excel Können Sie Daten entdecken, analysieren und visualisieren, wie nie zuvor, um wertvolle geschäftliche Erkenntnisse zu finden. Mit Power BI für Office 365 können Kunden auf einfache Weise eine Cloud-basierte BI-Umgebung implementieren, in der Benutzer Einblicke, Zusammenarbeiten und Zugriff auf Berichte von jedem Ort aus gemeinsam nutzen können. Diese Sitzung konzentriert sich auf das Sehen von Power BI für Office 365 in Aktion. Durch eine Vielzahl von Daten-Explorations-und Visualisierungs-Beispiele sehen, wie Microsofts neue BI-Lösung ermöglicht mehr Nutzer Einblicke zu erleben sowie die Schaffung Gleichgewicht zwischen Self-Service-BI und IT-Operationen, die ein wichtiger Beschleuniger für die Annahme ist. Mit Power BI für Office 365 kommen Daten aus Windows Azure, Office und vor Ort vorhandenen Datenquellen wie OSIsoft PI in modernen, zugänglichen BI-Erfahrungen zusammen. Ihre Investition in die PI-Infrastruktur voranbringen: PI Server 2014 In dieser Sitzung zeigen wir Ihnen, wie sich der kommende PI Server 2014 auf vielen Facetten Ihres PI-Systems verbessern wird, so dass Sie die Leistung Ihrer PI-Infrastruktur einfach entfalten können. Stellen Sie sich vor, mehr Ergebnisse für noch mehr Benutzer zugänglich zu machen - Sie können das haben und zukünftige Zeitstempel erhalten. Treten Sie mit uns in Verbindung und sehen Sie, was im Speicher für den PI-Server 2014 ist. Kommen Sie zu einem PI-System in Ihrer Nähe In dieser Sitzung für diejenigen mit einem guten Wissen über das PI-System geplant werden wir einen schnellen Überblick über was ist neu im PI-System und was wird für das nächste Jahr gearbeitet werden. Dieses Vortrag wird Ihnen helfen, unsere Produkt-Roadmap zu verstehen und Ihnen einen besseren Einblick in die am besten geeigneten Orte zu geben, um Ihre Zeit auf der diesjährigen User Conference zu verbringen. Verbinden von Raum und Zeit - OSIsoft und Esri Bei der User Conference 2013 gab OSIsoft eine Partnerschaft mit Esri, dem Goldstandard für Geodatenanalyse und Karten, bekannt. Diese Partnerschaft führte zur Schaffung eines Produkts, PI Integrator für Esri ArcGIS, die Echtzeit-Karten eine einfache Realität für das Unternehmen macht. Die verpackte Lösung liefert PI-Systemdaten ins Herz der ArcGIS-Plattform von Esris, wo sie wunderschöne, aufschlussreiche Karten platziert und Echtzeit-Geoanalyse ermöglicht. Diese Sitzung wird eine eingehende Tour über ihre Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen. Erfahren Sie, was die einfache Konfiguration Erfahrung für Administratoren mit sich bringt, und dann sehen Sie die beeindruckenden Ergebnisse der PI-System-Daten Färbung einer Karte und Fütterung geospatial Analytics. Verbinden des neugierigen Unternehmens: OSIsoft und Microsoft Power BI Kommen Sie und sehen Sie, wie neue Tools für eine verbesserte Entdeckung des Prozessverhaltens oder für eine fundierte Entscheidungsfindung in Ihrer Organisation verwendet werden können. Neue Technologien haben sich für die Datenübertragung über die Informationsschicht entwickelt und in Intelligenz verwandelt. Microsoft Power BI für Office 365 bietet innovative Analysewerkzeuge und neue Möglichkeiten, um weitere Benutzer mit PI-Systemdaten zu verbinden. Der neue PI OData Service richtet die PI-Infrastruktur mit diesen Technologien aus, indem der Datenzugriff über Microsoft Power Query für Excel 2013 vereinfacht wird. In dieser Sitzung werden diese neuen Anwendungen, einschließlich Power QA, vorgestellt, die Fragen mit PI-Systemdaten beantworten können. Verbinden von Web - und mobilen Anwendungen mit dem PI-System Verbinden von Personen und Prozessen mit PI-Systemen über Cloud-fähige Web - und mobile Anwendungen, dh die Leistungsfähigkeit der PI-Web-API und PI-Cloud-Access-Systeme. Die Kombination dieser Technologien ermöglicht eine neue Klasse von webmobile, plattformübergreifende und branchenübergreifende Datenaustauschanwendungen. Diese Sitzung wird zeigen, Anwendungsentwicklung Möglichkeiten, die diese Technologien bieten und wird die Vision und Roadmap zu decken. PI Event Frames ermöglicht es, wichtige Prozess - oder Geschäftsereignisse wie Ausfallzeiten, Prozessexkursionen, Startups und andere Ereignisse mit Start - und Endzeit zu erfassen und zu erfassen. In dieser Sitzung werden wir Demonstration PI Event Frames Unterstützung über das PI-System. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit von Ereignissen in Ihrem PI-System nutzen können. Eventives Reporting mit PI DataLink 2014 PI DataLink 2014 ermöglicht eine noch bessere Berichterstattung des PI-Systems durch die Berichterstattung über Ereignisse und das Bohren in historische Daten durch die Unterstützung von PI Event Frames. Es macht auch Ortung Vermögenswerte basierend auf Kriterien aus PI Asset Framework-Vorlagen brennenden schnell mit einer neuen Vorlage basierte Suche. Andere Verbesserungen umfassen schnellere allgemeine Suche und Navigation, verbesserte Metadaten und vieles mehr. Kommen Sie zu dieser Session, um alle Highlights der letzten beiden Veröffentlichungen und die bevorstehende Veröffentlichung von PI DataLink zu sehen. Evolution der OSIsoft Entwickler-Community: Was Sie wissen müssen Da sich das PI-System aus einer Welt von Servern und Desktops in eine Welt von Diensten und Geräten entwickelt, muss sich auch die Support-Struktur für unsere Entwickler-Community weiterentwickeln. OSIsoft etabliert, was wir als die PI Developer Platform zielen auf die Unterstützung moderner Entwicklungsbemühungen und macht es einfacher für Entwickler, die Werkzeuge und Unterstützung, die sie benötigen. Unser oberstes Ziel ist es, Ihnen alles zu bieten, was Sie benötigen, um ein erfolgreicher Entwickler zu sein, um die Macht der Daten zu entfalten. Dies gilt für OSIsoft Partner und Kunden gleichermaßen. Einige Technologien werden offen und leichter zugänglich, während andere im Laufe der Zeit veraltet werden. Dieses Gespräch wird auf diese Konzepte zu erweitern, geben Ihnen eine bessere Idee, was wir tun, um in unserer Entwickler-Community zu investieren, und sprechen, wie das Auswirkungen auf Sie. PI Batch-Benutzer: Batch-Migration zu PI-Event-Frames Dieser Vortrag ist für PI-Batch-Kunden. Hier gehen wir in Details von OSIsofts Pläne, PI-Batch-Daten zu PI Event Frames in PI Server 2014 zu migrieren. Wir geben Demos auf aktuelle Wege zur Visualisierung Batch-Ereignisse im PI-System, einschließlich PI Coresight und PI Data Link. PI Coresight 2014: Setzen Sie PI ProcessBook in Ihrem Pocket weiter nutzen vorhandene Investitionen in die Visualisierung und starten Sie mit den Geräten Ihre Benutzer fordern. PI Coresight 2014 unterstützt PI ProcessBook-Displays und kann auf jedem Gerät, egal ob innerhalb oder außerhalb des Unternehmens, eingesehen werden. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie einfach es ist, PI ProcessBook-Displays in praktisch jedem Browser zu importieren und zu betrachten und darüber zu sprechen, welche Vorteile und Einschränkung die PI Coresight 2014 bietet. PI System 101: Grundlagen für Anfänger Sind Sie neu im PI System Ein Endbenutzer unsicher, woher Ihre Daten kommen Ein PI-Systemadministrator, der über neue Tools lernen muss Kommen Sie zu dieser Sitzung, um herauszufinden, was das PI-System betrifft, wie die Infrastruktur Ihrer Organisation zu echtem Nutzen gerecht wird Um zu demonstrieren, wie Kunden mit unseren Tools arbeiten, um einen Einblick in ihre Prozesse zu gewinnen. Diese halbstündige Sitzung geben Ihnen die Grundlagen, die Sie benötigen, um viele der anderen Darstellungen zu verstehen, die während der Konferenz verfügbar sein werden. Erhöhen Sie den IQ Ihrer Datenquellen mit intelligenten PI-Connectors Der Wert neuer Asset-basierter PI-Interfaces liegt in der Nutzung von bereits in vielen Datenquellen verfügbaren Metadaten. Mit den verringerten Konfigurationszeiten und einem erhöhten Kontext, der die PI-Systemdaten umgibt, wird diese Technologie die Zeit verringern, die benötigt wird, um neue Daten in das PI-System zu bringen und diese Daten leichter zu entdecken. Kommen Sie und erfahren Sie aus erster Hand über die neue Generation von PI-Schnittstellen. Die Macht einer vernetzten Supply Chain Ein Jahr nach der Vorstellung von PI Cloud Connect als erstes SaaS-Angebot von OSIsofts wird diese Session ein Update über die Technologie und die Art und Weise, wie Kunden sie nutzen, zur Verfügung stellen, um unternehmensübergreifenden Datenaustausch zu ermöglichen. Kommen Sie und erfahren Sie, wie Sie unsere neuen Connected Services nutzen können. Entfesseln Sie die Macht der Big Data Das Hadoop-Ökosystem bietet eine große Reihe von komplementären Tools, um alle Daten im PI-System zu analysieren. In dieser Sitzung wird gezeigt, wie Sie Hadoop auf die Lösung von drei gemeinsamen Geschäftsproblemen anwenden können: Suchen von Ausnahmebedingungen über einen ganzen Satz von Geräten, Korrelieren vieler verschiedener Variablen und Stapelverarbeitungsdateien. In jeder Demonstration wird das resultierende Wissen operationalisiert, indem die Ergebnisse in die Echtzeitfähigkeiten des PI-Systems zurückgeführt werden. Was sollte ich tun, um mein PI-System gegen Cyber-Bedrohungen durch die US Cyber ​​Challenge inspiriert zu härten, schuf OSIsoft ein für unser eigenes PI-System. Diese Mission verbindet OSIsofts am besten und am hellsten mit der am häufigsten gestellten Frage über das PI-System und die Cyber-Sicherheit: Was soll ich tun, um mein PI-System gegen Cyber-Bedrohungen zu verharmlosen Während dieser Session werden die preisgekrönten Herausforderer ihre Sicherheit gehärtet demonstrieren PI-System, das in der Azure-Cloud ausgeführt wird. Kommen Sie für sich selbst zu sehen und lernen, was Verhärtung Techniken wurden am besten bewertet, und warum. Warum das Internet der Dinge Mega-Trend wird den Wert Ihrer PI-Infrastruktur erhöhen Mega-Trends wie das Internet der Dinge und Machine to Machine haben immer Aufmerksamkeit in der industriellen Gemeinschaft, weil jeder das Potenzial hat, zu stören und radikal verändern die Art und Weise Unternehmen Geschäfte machen. Endpunkte werden immer schlauer und kleiner, und Netzwerke werden immer robuster. Als verbundenes Unternehmen werden Sie diese Daten mit der PI-Infrastruktur erfassen und Entscheidungsfindung treffen. In dieser Sitzung werden die Herausforderungen, Chancen und Wertszenarien diskutiert, denen sich unsere PI-System-Unternehmensbenutzer gegenübersehen. Eine Reise in ein integriertes Raffinerie-Informationssystem mit dem PI-System In der Raffinerie Rijeka wurden seit den 1990er Jahren verschiedene digitale Steuerungs - und Überwachungssysteme implementiert. Verschiedene Systeme sind Inseln mit eigenen Infrastruktur - und Konsolenstationen. Im Laufe der Zeit einige Historiker waren zugänglich für das Business-Netzwerk, aber keine wirkliche Integration von Daten existiert. Durch den Anschluss aller Steuerungs - und Überwachungssysteme mit dem PI-System haben wir Prozessdaten aus verschiedenen Systemen in einem integriert. Auch Daten aus verschiedenen nicht-Prozess-Systemen - Labordaten, Umweltüberwachung, Materialbewegungen und manuell eingegebene Daten - wurden integriert. Das PI-System und integrierte Daten gaben dem Anwender eine Infrastruktur, um diese Daten an verschiedene Bedürfnisse und Systeme wie Materialbilanz (Sigmafine), Planung und Planung (Orion), Umwelt, Produktion, Asset Management etc. zu liefern. Graphische Visualisierung von Daten und Verteilung auf Unternehmen Netzwerk wird mit Synthesis (SharePoint und PI WebParts) erreicht, so dass alle im Business-Netzwerk sofortige Informationen über Raffinerieprozesse erhalten können. Die Reise in ein integriertes Raffinerieinformationssystem begann mit der Verbindung von Steuerungssystemen zu einem PCN, dem Aufbau eines Serverraums und des Serverparks, der Schaffung einer DMZ-Zone für PI-Server und deren Anbindung an das Business-Netzwerk. Nach der Vorbereitung der Infrastruktur Datenintegration begann mit dem Bau von OPC-Verbindungen zu Leitsystemen und Schnittstellen zu nicht-Prozessdaten. Schnittstellen zu nicht-Prozessdaten wurden mit PI SDK und Visual basic. NET erstellt, während die Steuerung von Schnittstellen zum Lesen von Daten und die automatische PI-Punkterstellung im PI-AF erfolgt. PI Systemintegrierte Daten werden in vielen Berichten, Analysen, Berechnungen und Visualisierungen über breite Interessengruppen in Raffinerie und Unternehmen weit verbreitet eingesetzt, um eine bessere Einsicht und Kontrolle der Raffinerieprozesse zu erreichen. CPMS Umweltüberwachung an Erdgas Übertragungseinrichtungen Moderator: Zacharie Mupeo. Südkalifornien Gasgesellschaft Südkalifornien-Gasgesellschaft (SoCalGas) änderte vom Treffen der Umweltüberwachungsvorschriften, die Arbeitskraft und Papier und Bleistift zu einem Zustand des Standes der Technik des 21. Jahrhundertsüberwachungssystems in weniger als drei Jahren verwenden. SoCalGas ist der nördlichste Erdgasverteilungsdienstleister, und das SoCalGas-Servicegebiet umfasst Terrain in Zentral - und Südkalifornien, von Visalia bis zur mexikanischen Grenze. Viele der von RICE NESHAPS betroffenen Kompressorstationen von SoCalGas sind hunderte von Kilometern von der zentralen Gassteuerungsbasis entfernt und viele sind unbemannt. Die am 01. April 2013 beschlossenen Verordnungen wirkten sich unmittelbar auf diese Getriebeverdichterstationen aus. Diese Präsentation umfasst SoCalGas Gelegenheit, eine Grundlage für die Bewältigung von Umweltvorschriften, einschließlich aber nicht beschränkt auf RICE NESHAPS, GHG, lokale Luftverkehrsregeln und Titel V Genehmigungsbedingungen zu schaffen. Das PI-System ist die Basis für den Quantensprung von SoCalGas bei der Datenerhebung und - überwachung. Folgende Themen wurden diskutiert: Reduzierung von 504 Arbeitsstunden für die Ermittlung der Konformität von RICE NESHAPS Automatisierte Berichterstellung, Konsistenz der Datenbehandlung Verwendung von MS EXCEL. VBA, PI Data Access Tools Aufbau eines Systems bestehend aus 6 Remote Stationen plus Zentrale zur Datenaggregation, Überwachung und Zugriff auf Stationsdaten für Nichtstationspersonal. Einsatz von PI-PI über WAN Jede Station verfügt über einen dedizierten PI-Server Verwendung von MS Active Directory und PI Identities zur Autorisierung Datenrationalisierung und System-Gesundheitsüberwachung Einsatz von OSIsoft Partner Services und PI-Erweiterungen Compliance Assurance Funktionen wie Berechnungen, Alarmerkennung, Benachrichtigung , Incident Annotation und Reporting Datenrationalisierung und Systemgesundheitsüberwachung Etablierung einer Umweltdateninfrastruktur Fähigkeit, Geräte und Messungen hinzuzufügen Hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Verfügbarkeit der Daten Data Validation Module Unterstützung des Echtzeit-Entscheidungsprozesses CEMEX begann mit dem PI-System für Echtzeit - Daten zu sammeln, um eine Anlage effizient zu betreiben, aber seitdem hat es seine Verwendung und die Einbeziehung von Qualitätsdaten, Produktion Validated Data, Energiemanagement und Emissionsmanagement entwickelt. CEMEX nennt diese Entwicklung die Zementproduktionsmanagement-Initiative (CPM) und hat die PI-Systemarchitektur als entscheidende Plattform innerhalb von CEMEX etabliert. Die neueste Integration in dieses Modell ist das Data Validation Module. Dieses System ermöglicht es CEMEX, in Echtzeit Daten aus der Produktionslinie zu sammeln und es den Anlagenadministratoren zu präsentieren, die die Daten validieren können, indem sie Echtzeitanpassungen an Produktionsvariablen durchführen. Sobald die Daten validiert sind, kann der Anlagenverwalter die Daten in Sekundenschnelle an SAP senden. Dieses Modul bietet einen echten Mehrwert, da es Echtzeitdaten von der Produktionslinie bis zur ERP-Plattform liefert. Verbesserte Entscheidungsfindung durch Integration von Echtzeit - und Business-Daten Diese Präsentation bietet einen Überblick über eine Chevron Gulf of Mexico Business Unit-Implementierung, die die OSIsoft-Software-Suite nutzt, um den Benutzern den Zugriff auf Echtzeitdaten mit wichtigen Geschäftsdaten für den Kontext zu ermöglichen Ermöglichen zeitnahere und informierte Geschäftsentscheidungen. Das Anwender - und Automatisierungsteam war in allen Phasen der Projektumsetzung tätig. Eine schrittweise Implementierung beinhaltete Upgrades, Stabilisierung und Erweiterung der bestehenden Infrastruktur. Die Fähigkeit der PI AF-Software, Echtzeit-Prozessdaten mit ausgewählten Geschäftsinformationen zu kombinieren, war der Schlüssel zum Erfolg des Projekts. Die Präsentation umfasst die Integration von zentralen Datenpunkten aus anderen Systemen (CMMS, Produktionsverteilung, etc.) und die Vorteile und Grenzen der Nutzung der PI Asset Framework-Software mit der Integration von PI WebParts auf SharePoint. Es wird veranschaulichen, wie die Software rollenbasierte Navigation verwendet, um Benutzeraufwand zu verringern, indem sie es ihnen ermöglicht, Echtzeitdaten über eine Baumansicht zu durchsuchen, anstatt nach einem Namen zu suchen. Es wird auch diskutiert Best Practices verwendet, um eine langfristige Tragfähigkeit der Lösung durch Front-End-Definition der Governance-Prozess zu gewährleisten. Dieser Prozess definiert eine Standard-Namenskonventionen, um alle Tags und Elemente im zentralen Server umzubenennen und standardisierte Vorlagen und Grafiken zu erstellen, um Daten für alle Benutzer zugänglicher zu machen und die Datenintegrität sicherzustellen. Zusammenfassend zeigt die Präsentation, wie PI AF und PI WebParts es einfacher machen, Echtzeitdaten mit Geschäftsdaten für ein Stop-Shopping zusammenzufassen. Verbesserung der Echtzeit-Prozess - und Betriebsüberwachung Petronas Carigali ist der PETRONAS-Arm, der für die vorgelagerten Aktivitäten vom Reservoir bis zum Terminal verantwortlich ist. Um sicherzustellen, dass Operationen, Prozesse und Aktivitäten effizient durchgeführt werden, müssen alle Daten zuverlässig, in guter Qualität und in Echtzeit vorliegen. Diese Präsentation erläutert die geschäftlichen Herausforderungen und wie das PI-System diesen Herausforderungen gerecht wurde. Jüngste Implementierung bei der Erb West Platform (Ost-Malaysia) unter Nutzung von Echtzeit-Prozessdaten, Safe Operating Limit und Critical Operating Limit-Initiativen wurden in Echtzeit automatisch durchgeführt, was einen deutlichen ROI in Bezug auf Arbeitszeiteinsparungen und ungeplante Abschaltzeiten bedeutet. Estrategia de Ventanas Operativas en PEMEX (Strategie für das Betreiben von Windows bei PEMEX) Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) ist das größte Unternehmen in Mexiko und eines der größten Ölkonzerne weltweit. In einem seiner Divisionen, Pemex Refining, hat die Produktionsabteilung beschlossen, die Umsetzung des Programms Ventanas Operativas (VOs) an ihren Arbeitsplätzen zu starten, so dass ein ordnungsgemäßer Betrieb der Anlagen Ausrüstung wird die Betriebssicherheit in ihren Produktionsanlagen zu verbessern. Der Unternehmensbereich Corporate Information Technology hat eine Anwendung mit einer Unternehmensvision entwickelt, die alle Bereiche des Unternehmens umfasst und dabei auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik ist und sich voll und ganz auf die Bedürfnisse von Geschäftskunden konzentriert. Experience with PI Cloud Connect For JV Data Sharing Hess Corporation is a global energy company engaged in exploration and production of oil and natural gas. In the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), Hess is operator of, and has working interests in, six major deepwater oil fields. Three more fields are currently in development. In 2006, Hess was introduced to Industrial Evolutions WellShare service by their JV partner Shell. It uses a PI System interface to gather data, transform and manage it, and serve it out to a recipient. In this case, a PI-to-PI interface was used to collect data from Shells GOM PI System over a secure VPN according to Shells security standard, transform it to Hesss standard and serve it to Hesss PI System according to their security standards. Following initial success, Hess extended use of WellShare to additional assets and JV partners in the North Sea as well as the GOM, some of whom were not PI System users. They subsequently added WebTechnician from Industrial Evolution to share real-time data from the same oil fields with 3rd parties providing remote technical services. While VPN technology and performance were acceptable to Hess, it presented a support burden on the organization. When OSIsoft announced the PI Cloud Connect CTP, Hess decided to explore its suitability. Their idea was to replace one of the PI-to-PI interfaces in order to avoid use of the VPN. Hesss business model would still be to use WellShare - in other words Hess would publish PI System data to Industrial Evolution as the subscriber, not the JV partner. Hess would still rely on Industrial Evolution to publish data they receive to authorized JV partners, clearly delineating Hesss commercial and technical support responsibilities. This presentation describes Hesss initial experiences in using PI Cloud Connect in a production environment. It will address issues such as ease of implementation, security, performance and support. Implementation of PI System as Tool for Generating Operations Reports Production fields in oil industries have modernized their control and measurement systems to make measurement and operating data more reliable. However, there is critical information in the field that is gathered manually through physical reports even when there is automation. Time spent by engineers in gathering, setting up and sending this data causes loss of effort and time better spent on analyzing the information. The Operational Management Information System (SIGO for its acronym in Spanish) was developed to optimize operational information management for upstream oil fields in Rubiales and Quifa It takes advantage of automation infrastructure installed in the field and uses the PI System as a tool for operational information management, assurance and visualization as well as reporting and monitoring process indicators available in crude oil production fields. The PI System integrates a PI Server with a data base where historic information gathered manually in the field, data received from oil production specialized analysis systems and data from SCADA system are stored. PI AF is used to organize the stored information. PI ACE is used to optimize information analysis through advanced calculations. PI Web Parts is integrated with a Sharepoint platform to visualize the information in a web environment. PI Data Link makes the information available in Excel. PI ProcessBook displays in graphics the information and PI CoreSight works as a display manager for the web environment in mobile devices (iPod, iPad or iPhone). Improving Operational Performance with the PI System At Wheelabrator Technologies Inc, efficient boiler operation was not a top priority but in todays operating environment, with falling energy prices and decreased waste volumes, the focus has changed. Finding ways to increase efficiency is now more important than ever. PI Processbook displays and PI Datalink reports are used at each facility to assist the plant operator in keeping the steam flow process variable closer to set point since lost steam flow is lost opportunity and cannot be recovered. Dashboards with visual cues created by using the multi-state symbol function allow for tightening of alarm limits and color sets to signify progressive deviation, and allow the operator to know from across the room whether the plant equipment is running OK or not. If youre Running Green, youre good. Other displays have been developed for facilities with river water cooling systems to monitor real-time temperature and temperature deviation as required by permit. Displays such as this allow operators to make informed and calculated adjustments to the heat loading of the turbine generator (which translates into megawatts and therefore revenue) instead of making excessively large load reductions to ensure permit compliance at the expense of lost revenue. The PSION Workabout Pro3 handheld has been rolled out to replace the field operator clipboard. Before the PI System came to Wheelabrator, the operations department would make rounds of equipment with a sheet of paper and a clipboard. That data was not always able to be used in a value added way because it was difficult to piece together trends and inspection data. Flash forward to today. Operation rounds are performed on the handheld, the information is date stamped, the operators name is recorded and it is all stored in the PI System. This makes viewing, trending, and using the data easy, fast and comprehensible. Innovation around the PI System: Paris Water Supply Veolia Environnements subsidiary, Veolia Eau dIle-de-France, manages water production and distribution for the Greater Paris water authority, Syndicat des Eaux dIle-de-France. SEDIF serves 4.3 million residents in 149 municipalities in the Paris region. With close to 750,000 m3 distributed every day, it is the largest water utility in France and one of the first in Europe. Nearly 240 billion liters were consumed in 2012 through a network of pipes 8,230 km in length. In 2011, SEDIF renewed its agreement with Veolia Water the new contract introduced a concept of responsibility and a useful innovation with: ServO. a single monitoring and operation center designed to control risk, to manage customer response, to optimize water production and monitor network distribution. PEEE: to reduce energy consumption and manage emissions and discharges ensure a zero carbon service, a world first for a water service Qualio: to implement water traceability, based on the food and beverage industry model, in order to guarantee customers continuous control of the sanitary quality of their water Teleo: third-generation remote meter reading, enables users to precisely monitor their consumption, thus facilitating leak detection ResEcho: a sophisticated network monitoring and asset management resourcethat enables Veolia Water to maintain an unusually low rate of leaks on all SEDIF water lines The PI system is an important part of the information system of Veolia Eau dle de France. It has become the repository for all real-time measurements. The PI System is both a Big Data and a management system for events in real time, which allows the user to address a multitude of functional requirements for operators and provide interoperability. Monitoring Implementation for Measuring Points and Pipelines of PEMEX Pemex Management of Transport and Distribution of Hydrocarbon North Region has responsibility that extends from the north of the country starting in Burgos Production Management and ending in Veracruz Production Management. Currently PEMEX has a pipeline network of 648 km comprised of gasoline pipelines and oil pipelines, some classified as critical. It also has oil and gas measurement points for custody transfer. Geographic dispersion along with the lack of communication infrastructure, information systems and storage at measurement points and on pipelines hinders proper management of transport and distribution processes by not permitting delivery of continuous and timely information in the administrative offices to allow decisions effectively. To support a strategy for the effective management of hydrocarbon transport and distribution processes a real-time monitoring system was implemented, one that would provide for supervising operating variables of six oil pipelines, three gasoline pipelines and nine measurement points. Data acquisition was performed using Modbus PI interfaces which, through the Pemex network, acquire information from flow computers, flow meters and pressure transmitters installed in facilities and pipelines from GTDHRN. Integration of all variables was done in the local PI Server, where alarm and status variables were created. For data exploitation, display graphics were designed, and monitoring portals for executive users and reports were developed according to customer requirements. Implementation of real-time monitoring of operating information is a tool that enables analysis, evaluation and decision making. Among the benefits obtained were: preventive reaction to unwanted events such as leaks and interruptions pumping real-time data exploitation in ways such as production reports and statistical analysis process to acknowledge operating conditions. Optimizing Asset Reliability with the Health Rating Program This is a joint presentation with three speakers. Scott Larson will provide an overview of the SunCoke Energy PI System and discuss how SunCoke Energy is leveraging their enterprise agreement (EA) to support this program Jason Crum will provide an overview of the coking process and ovens and talk about the overall program objectives and development Wes Alderman, a field oven inspector, will talk about using the PI Manual Logger application in oven inspections and the resulting time savings and efficiencies already realized in the short time the program has been in place. Product Quality Giveaway Reduction Program Supported by PI System The giveaway gap is the difference between the quality of the product and the quality specification. It means that the manufacturer produces better quality product than needed, which has an effect on the cost (lower yield, more energy, higher temperature, more reflux, etc.). The PI System has a first class tool set which can provide professional support to quality giveaway reduction efforts. The most important step is to know (first realize, then monitor) how big is the gap between current quality and the specification. Registering quality specifications to the PI Server and gathering all matched quality information (lab measurements, on-line analyzer values, soft-sensor quality calculations) in Asset Framework helps to filter out off-spec qualities, helps in reducing quality giveaway, ensures easier access to this data for a report or data analysis and provides information for additional procedures. An advanced practice--the so-called Tank Quality Integration--is a very useful application what can provide up-to-date information about key qualities in the product tank. This presentation will explain how MOL, Plc. is using PI System applications and how much they have saved with quality giveaway reduction programs. Realizing Business Value from PI Manual Logger Applications Plant facilities are packed with signals distributed all around the plant. Some of these signals make it to the control room through the different control systems. Others are manually collected, and managing them usually represents a tough challenge that consumes time, cost and effort without achieving the required data accuracy, reliability and quality. Plant operations and other business functions at Methanex requested a solution to collect, archive, visualize and analyze the manually-collected data in an efficient and reliable manner similar to the real-time data managed by the PI System. It is of equal importance to minimize time between data collection and its availability to business network users. Achieving this would improve the quality of the problem investigation process and support the business decision making in a timely fashion. However, these benefits could only be achieved after overcoming the challenges associated with these kinds of tasks dealing with the management of manual data interface. PI Manual Logger (PIML) system (including PIML client and mobile applications) combined with data logger handheld devices equipped with bar-coding capabilities were used. These allow data collection and interface to the existing PI Server. It presented a reliable solution, provided significant cost and effort savings and significantly reduced the time required to make the data available. Now there are 4,500 manual daily readings available for all business stakeholders and PI System clients that use this solution. Plant manual data has become part of the PI System data platform, which enables plant users to benefit from the standard PI System features and make business decisions in real-time. Smart Batch Monitoring with VBA Improves Problem Identification Smart batch monitoring is an effective way to easily identify problems as they occur, and provides engineering and operations valuable time to react to the batch and prevent the problem from propagating into more problems downstream, as well as to provide better visibility for predictive scheduling. Trending problems can also identify necessary maintenance work while the problem is minor, allowing maintenance work to be done on schedule and before major failures. This concept is useful for almost any operation, but is especially useful in batch plants with numerous different recipes which it would be unrealistic to update manually. The PI ProcessBook display uses PI Batch and visual basic coding to show characteristic trends, such as temperature, pressure, progression of reaction, and steam usage, for each batch currently being produced. These trends are overlaid on the recent history of this products production in this vessel using a batch group, and then have a golden batch identified by engineering added to the batch group using Visual Basic (VB). Small deviations such as temperature or a higher than normal steam usage can be indications of a problem such as contamination, off-track reactions, and equipment fouling or fatigue this display makes these deviations obvious. The use of VB coding allows the display to run untouched in the control rooms 247 with operators able to constantly monitor the batches at a level of detail necessary to reliably and quickly identify problems while they are still small. The code refreshes the display every time a new recipe is set to a production vessel in the DCS by changing the product being displayed to match the one that is now being made, and changes the golden batch to this products ideal instance. Supporting Sustainability Operations with Water Management To efficiently manage water operations through discharge of water to the environment is one of the biggest challenges in the Yanacocha mining operation. Unlike at most other mining operations, where Yanacocha operates there is a rainy season seven months of the year, with frequent rain throughout most of the year. Greater restrictions on our distribution, processing and water discharge to the environment mean that these processes become more costly as Yanacocha areas of operations have expanded. The challenge is even greater when the company stores excess water during the rainy season to be distributed and discharged during the dry season as part of its social responsibility. Captured rainwater enters the mine system and requires proper treatment for discharge to the environment. At least 5 million m3 enter the system by rain annually but operations needs only 2 million m3. The total volume of water treatment and discharge to the environment annually is about 32 million m3, with power consumption that exceeds 30,000 mWatts h average. The PI System centralizes data about water entering the system, provides the data to software simulation for the water balance and estimates of treatment, centralizes data from water quality laboratories and laboratory processes for estimates of the efficiency of water treatment processes, and centralizes data on power consumption. This enables Yanacocha to align strategic planning for sustainability and social and environmental responsibility with planning for growth. The PI System, Remote Diagnostics and the Collaborative Supply Chain Presenter: Nick Ward. OSyS, part of the Rolls Royce Group Condition monitoring is the natural bedfellow for the PI System, but it has traditionally been delivered as a deployed solution or remote service. These access the low-hanging fruit in terms of value, but neither option is ideal for collaboration between Operator, OEM and Service Provider. The advent of OSIsofts cloud-based data sharing breaks down barriers and allows companies to realize the harder-to-reach value of condition monitoring across vendors. The new generation of data acquisition, sharing and analytics means that equipment operators can start to move towards a truly risk-managed approach, based on the increased confidence in the predictability of the equipment health and performance. Rolls-Royce is working towards a model of 90 predictability with their PI System. The Power of Data - Different Users, Same Benefit Presenter: Yuelong Su. China National Bluestar (Group) The China National Bluestar (Group) Co, Ltd is centered on the chemical industry and focuses on new chemical materials and animal nutrition. Bluestar has developed rapidly and grown into one of Chinas most successful chemical companies. To stay competitive, the company and subordinate enterprises used the PI System to provide the real-time data infrastructure and collaboration tools they need to meet key challenges. The users explain how they applied and benefited from their PI System. These users include Bluestar site engineers with different roles and company headquarters managers in different departments their applications based on the PI System include tank management, overall unit effectiveness analysis, control method simulation, statistical quality control (SQC) and implementing six-sigma initiatives. Though applied by different users, these successful applications have the same benefit for the whole company: optimizing production and increasing energy efficiency. This is the power of data derived from use of the PI System. Using PI System to Aggregate, Analyze, and Visualize Data Presenter: Robert Lane. Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) is a Prime Contractor to the Department of Energy (DOE) responsible for the Tank Operating Contract (TOC) on the Hanford Site near Richland, Washington. WRPS is responsible for care and maintenance of the Waste Storage Tanks at Hanford. The Waste Storage Tanks contain chemical and nuclear waste left over from plutonium production since World War II through the end of the Cold War. The Hanford Site is now in a clean-up, preservation, and disposal operation. Upgrading from decades-old, custom-developed solutions presents many challenges that require innovative solutions. Integrating numerous custom and COTS standalone solutions to a PI System-based solution allows for a central data repository that enables levels of analysis, information, and data availability that were not previously possible. Using the PI System for Full-Featured Vibration Monitoring This presentation explores the use of the PI System as the infrastructure for collection and visualization of machinery condition monitoring data, including high-speed vibration waveforms and specialized data presentation formats such as shaft orbits, vibration spectra, bode polar plots, and others. Historically, the vibration data collection rates necessary to allow detailed machinery diagnostics were too fast to entertain use of the plants process historian, particularly when a system was going to encompass dozens or hundreds of vibration channels. As a result, stand-alone vibration monitoring software infrastructures with their own proprietary databases, servers, display clients, security models, and network connections evolved out of necessity to handle the data collection speeds required. However, as the capabilities of the PI System have improved, now surpassing one million tags per second, the ability to treat vibration waveforms as simply another type of time series data in the PI System database has become practical and is already in use at a dozen end user sites globally. Industry Day Presentations Linking Government, Industry and Academia Presenter: Donald Paul,. University of Southern California Professor Paul will discuss dynamics of the technology system, workforce development, and economic growth through the effective interaction of government policies, industrial opportunities, and academic programs as applied to the energy sector. This linkage is of particular importance in the energy sector, where a dynamic balance of economic opportunities, public policy objectives, and environmental requirements are demanded from the system. The combination of large scale infrastructures, large capital deployments, long-lived assets, and technological intensity create the need for a much more integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to effective RD and the development of the future workforce. This is particularly visible in the ongoing growth in the areas of Digital Energy and Intelligent Infrastructures, which represent the major intersection of advancing information and control technologies with the large-scale infrastructures associated with oil and gas, fuel, and electric power. Rapid diversification of electric power generation sources, combined with emergence of the Smart Grid is a specific area demanding new combinations of technology and workforce capabilities. Developing an effective environment to meet these challenges will require forging new and enhanced linkages between government, industry, and academia. Paul will speak on how developing innovative intersections of government, industry and academia is addressing the challenges for energy RD, technology demonstration and deployment, and advancing workforce education and development. The mission of USC Energy Institute is to address these challenges and opportunities by developing partnerships directed at complex, integrated energy systems and infrastructures. USC Energy Institute programs span the range of energy systems from natural resource development to power grid systems operations to the role of consumer behavior in energy efficiency. Programs are focused in particular on demonstrations at scale and providing experimental energy infrastructures to validate advanced energy and information technologies. The USC Smart Grid Living Laboratory was created to utilize the 50,000 person campus community and infrastructure as an experimental mini-city to develop and validate research. Specific research areas include technologies in energy informatics, cyber-security, energy efficiency, human and social behaviors, and electric vehicle system integration. The Marriage of Public Sector and Academia to Attract Companies and Incubate Innovative Ideas Jim Waring, Executive Chairman Co-Founder of CleanTECH San Diego will join Academia Industry Dayto discuss the role a cleantech cluster associationplays in attracting companies and incubatinginnovative ideas across a regional economy. Waringwill discuss CleanTECH San Diegos recent work toimplement the City as a System pilot project in San Diego. Its goal is to deploy data infrastructureacross a citys physical landscape to produce real-time energy usage analytics and recommend energyefficient behaviors based on the data. Ultimately the project will allow buildings to be connected asasingle operational system, which will lower individual and aggregate energy consumption and establishcritical load reduction. The process will also provide rich-data access to researchers and engineers atpartner universities to drive innovation and economic development. Once proven, the goal is to expandand replicate the City as a System model more broadly across the region and other markets. Carnegie Mellon Intelligent Dashboards: From Lab to Market The building environment is an emerging market fordata driven control for energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality (IEQ). Rapid adoption of energy disclosure laws by cities from New York to Seattle, combined with sensor and controller data from building automation systems across the nation, is generating data at a rate the building communitycannot comprehend. OSIsofts PI System data baseoffers a stellar opportunity to absorb these disparate data sources and provide data cleansing, dataanalytics, and real-time communication on multipleplatforms, to instigate action by the building community for energy and IEQ. This presentation will unveil Carnegie Mellons Intelligent Dashboardsatthe Occupant (ID-O), facility managers (ID-F) and citycampus scale (ID-C) that have been taken from labto market testing in collaboration with DOE, DOD, Siemens, university and corporate partners. A Robust Data Management System for Integrating Campus Sustainability Goals Over the last several years UC Davis has been building out a data management system to collect, historize, and report real-time operational data that is crucial for assessing and improving campus energy use and sustainability. The PI System, withits capability to receive data from a variety ofsources, store it efficiently, and provide easy access to data for a variety of clients, serves as thehub forthis system. It provides access to data from numerous campus systems such as building energy and utilities metering and central plant controls and metering. Campus efforts are focused around these initiatives: Standardizing data collection and quality control processes across operational units Automating reporting to help decision makersoptimize operations Collaborating with sustainability research efforts using the campus as a proof of concept Integrating use of campus data into academiccurriculum Expanding the system to incorporate other campus data including occupancy-based building lightingcontrols, HVAC control systems, smart thermostat feedback, and campus water and wastewater systems Developing a cutting-edge interface for data visualization On the last point, the campus has already deployed a web interface that uses the PI system data from both the building energy metering and a smart thermostat system to provide energy feedback todormitory residents through an energy competition. Work is underway to expand this feedback systemto include interactive building energy usage displays to engage building occupants across the campus. We are exploring more ways to visualize and analyze building energy usage to encourage stakeholders across campus to conserve energy. Ideas on Integration of OSIsoft Into Chemical Engineering Curricula This talk will summarize the status of data education in chemical engineering curricula, providing examples where data are not covered at all to some examples of the efforts of dedicated faculty to including data in the curricula. It will discuss why existing engineering curricula have little coverage of data and why this situation is difficult to change. The last part of the talk will describe efforts at MIT to train chemical engineering students to analyze and make decisions based on heterogeneous data sets ranging in size from small to very big. The talk will describe ideas to integrate OSIsoft into other chemical engineering curricula, including (1) development of insertion modules with clearly defined learning objectives and with varying time commitments, (2) making tutorial visualizations and remote software operation available to universities, and (3) supporting ldquodata advocatesrdquo within specific programs to develop and evaluate insertion modules. Microgrid: A New Hub in Energy Infrastructure Microgrids are small-scale versions of centralized electric power systems. They achieve specific goals of distributed power systems, such as reliability and self-healing, sustainability and diversification of energy sources, and energy efficiency and cost reduction, established by communities in various parts of a large power system. Microgrids integrate renewable resources at the community level and allow for customer participations in the operation of an electricity infrastructure. Microgrids form the building blocks of perfect power systems which promote real-time pricing and demand response, and applications of smart grid to the distributed control of electric power systems. This presentation will highlight some of the key issues with the design and operation of microgrids and discuss the role of recent innovations and, in particular, the significance of smart grid applications to power system operations and control. The presentation will also discuss the development of a microgrid funded by the U. S. Department of Energy and implemented at Illinois Institute of Technology. Global IEEE activities for promoting smart grid technologies will also be discussed. Predictive Analytics for Real-time Energy Management and Dynamic Demand Response The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is owner-operator of a 45 MW peak load Smart Grid and one of the first adopters of many Smart Grid technologies, including multiple renewable and non-renewable energy generation resources, significant energy storage, and sophisticated monitoring for controlling flex-demand loads for a community of 54,000 energy consumers. UCSD owns and maintains a 69 kV substation, ninety-six 12kV underground feeder circuits and four 12kV distribution substations throughout the 1200-acre campus, and has a master controller and optimization system creating the city within a city. Advances in technology have led to an unprecedented ability to collect and store data. Harnessing the real-time streaming sensor data from modern smart grids via advanced processing, modeling, optimization, real-time forecasting and analytics is a major challenge due to the sheer volume, complexity, and rate of data acquisition. UCSD and PACEs Big Data analytics and energy sustainability researchers are utilizing the existing fully functioning UCSD Microgrid to perform predictive analytics on both the real-time and historical time-series data for developing models for detailed load forecasting, load shaping and demand response, all aimed at driving campus-scale energy efficiency. This data-driven approach aims to leverage the predictive analysis of resource consumption, renewable integration, economic activity and human behavior patterns to improve campus sustainability and efficiency. Building the Perfect Plant: A High Tech Approach to Supporting Low Cost Bioprocessing Plants The biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry is experiencing an inflection point. Competition, price controls, globalization, biosimilars and technology shifts have resulted in a new approach to building and operating manufacturing facilities. nAmgen is on the leading edge of this change, building new more flexible facilities and retrofitting existing plants to be more efficient. The result is a highly automated shop floor with integrated systems that are both faster to startup and require fewer ongoing resources to maintain. To achieve these goals, Amgen is identifying a standard IT architecture and integration approach between MES, DeltaV, OSIsoft, and other systems to streamline the flow of manufacturing data in support of electronic batch records and continued process improvement. The presentation will discuss this architecture and its benefits over traditional IT deployment models previously leveraged at Amgen plants. Enablement and Standardization of Advanced Process Data Technology with EA Sanofis Rare Disease subsidiary Genzyme is embarking on a process data analytics initiative to improve processes in manufacturing. Sanofi is also embarking on a core standardization initiative in Manufacturing Quality Operations, with the goal of streamlining the implementation process for new manufacturing technologies across their network. Nick Alexiades will discuss these initiatives and describe how the recently signed Enterprise Agreement will help enable these and future initiatives within Sanofi. Lean Validation as Part of Standard OSIsoft PI System Deployments at JampJ Within the regulated industries, the OSIsoft PI System can be considered a GMP critical application. In the past, OSIsoft PI Systems were validated according to each sitersquos local procedures. This presentation will explain how JampJ came to a common and lean validation approach across the organization, based on industry and computer system validation standards. It will also discuss how they gradually implement the approach as part of a standardized deployment of the OSIsoft PI System. Custom DeltaV PI System to Provide Plant Redundancy A pharmaceutical facility had lost a batch, a multi-million dollar loss, due to a DeltaV Embedded Historian failure. Review of the feasibility of redundant historians showed options were cost prohibitive. The user needed a robust architecture that implemented available OSIsoft redundancy features and was compatible with the DeltaV Control System. After reviewing OSIsoft and Emerson recommendations, the integrator designed a unique solution to meet business needs. The implemented Enterprise PI for DeltaV using Redundant Interfaces, PI High Availability and Virtual Servers, then completed this project during a brief plant shutdown and parallel with multiple site enhancement projects. This required extensive design, accelerated deployment, and cross-functional collaboration. The resulting solution prepares site for future expansion and reduced risk of batch loss. At Kellogg, Savings Are in the Air This presentation is based on significant potential savings realized after analyzing historical PI System trends which showed that inefficient air compressor control systems operation caused excessive electricity consumption. Conservatively estimated savings potential easily justified new control systems integration. After project completion, new energy reduction opportunities were realized based on improved system trending in the PI System. A new project captured these additional savings as well as justifying custom incentive pay back from local utilities. This resulted in repeatable total electrical reduction of 2.65M kWhyear and a one-time payback from the local utilities of 265k, far exceeding the initial savings calculations. Path to a Unified Data Infrastructure This presentation will show the path Biogen has taken since moving from pre-2010 PI System to their current, unified data infrastructure. Biogen has moved the role of the PI System from a data historian for compliance reporting and trending to a problem solving and problem-avoidance tool. The presentation will discuss ways they used Asset Framework, ACE calculations and Web Parts in their PI Systems for cGMP, Pilot-Scale Manufacturing and Facilities. The PI System makes scale-up from product development to manufacturing easier, monitoring facilities to provide pro-active maintenance and keep facilities in a compliant state. How Corning in Kennebunk Uses PI System Data Presenter: Ryan Dube. Corning Life Sciences Corporation In this presentation, I will provide a number of examples that show the variety of applications for PI System tools such as PI notifications, the PI Ping interface, PI SQC charts and alarms, and more. The focus is on PI SQC and how utilizing SQC charts and alarms can help manufacturing facilities not only bring manufacturing processes into control, but it can also help technicians and engineers predict when problems are about to occur - providing an opportunity to be proactive in preventing problems with the machine before they even occur. The presentation also touches some on how OSI PI can even be used in IT to monitor servers, IT assets and more - an application of the PI System that often goes overlooked. RtReports - A Bristol-Myers Squibb Perspective This presentation will showcase the BMS implementation of RtReports and the values we have been able to derive from this product. A users perspective of RtReports will highlights this product strength and some opportunities for improvement. Beyond the product offering we will explore areas where the core strength of RtReports could be leverage to fill some unmet needs around batch queries and advance analyses. Value from Data - applying MVDA for real-time monitoring and prediction. Presenters: Speaker: Domenic Schimizzi, Genentech Petter Moree, Umetrics This presentation will showcase the BMS implementation of RtReports and the values we have been able to derive from this product. A users perspective of RtReports will highlights this product strength and some opportunities for improvement. Beyond the product offering we will explore areas where the core strength of RtReports could be leverage to fill some unmet needs around batch queries and advance analyses. Curtailments, Stoppages and Other Ways to PI Event Frame the Wind Collecting and analyzing data from 60 wind farms can make any data mining task daunting. For one aspect of data that gets seen by several areas of the business, Iberdrola Renewables has added PI Event Frames to help bucket these occurrences and start making it easier to analyze implications of these events. Curtailments are a major factor for wind energy producers in the US. Use of PI Event Frames that trigger based off of a PI Attribute (utilizing regular PI Data) has made it possible to quickly draw out more information. By creating PI Event Frames for Curtailments, Iberdrola quickly gets an estimate of power lost during the previous month (or even the last week) whereas before it would take a team and multiple days to get to the same point. While the data still needs to be scrubbed, having the initial information available in near real-time is a huge step forward and we are still finding new ways to utilize the data. ACE is used to generate the Event Frame, and in doing so some back-end calculations are run as the event frame is created and closed in order to help get expected losses over the time frame. As more people at Iberdrola Renewables start using this, they expect to add monetary calculations in real-time using the pricing data available in the PI System. Currently this information is utilized by the Performance Reporting Group which looks at the costs of curtailments and ensures that Iberdrola is getting paid correctly during these events and the Technical Division which looks for ways to improve overall operational efficiency. As Event Frames are proving useful, Iberdrola expects to add stoppages to the AF Server. Trends in Solar Performance Monitoring This presentation will address performance monitoring trends in the rapidly growing solar power industry. As the industry matures from small rooftop applications to large utility-scale central power stations, requirements around plant monitoring and performance optimization have also grown. Content will include a state of the industry overview followed by a discussion of why the PI System is needed and how it is being used to meet the scale and velocity of project additions in North America and throughout the world. The presentation will conclude with case studies using PI System-based monitoring to perform automated fault detection of commercial and utility-scale PV power systems. In addition, the unique challenges of providing a multi-tenant application suite (multi-customermulti-user) will be addressed and how to think about a scalable and secure architecture to meet this complex requirement. Fleet Optimization through Process Information Monitoring power plant performance in real-time is essential to stay competitive in market based bulk electric system. Maintaining equipment reliability with dwindling resources, regulatory and environmental compliance are some of the challenges electric utilities face today. DTE Energy has been addressing these challenges with effective use of technology turning data in to actionable information. Using its lsquoTechnology Frameworkrsquo as a roadmap, DTE Energy has implemented several layers of technologies with PI System data as their backbone. The amalgamation of people, processes and systems at the fleet-wide monitoring center using real-time operational data, predictive monitoring and market interface is helping DTE Energy to meet these challenges. Value of Asset-based PI System in Power Generation This presentation demo will show the value of PI AF, PI Event Frames, PI Notifications, and PI Coresight within the context of a real world Power Generation scenario. Technology Innovation and Condition Based Monitoring The power generation industry is under pressure due to increased competition and market uncertainty. Plant staff are developing new, innovative ways to monitor power plants by leveraging technology to improve safety and efficiency. Exelon Nuclear is the leader in developing new and innovative technologies and better utilizing plant experts. One such method is their Advanced Monitoring Technology that monitors plant performance in real time with the use of the PI System that helps plant staff to make timely decisions. Real-time monitoring coupled with diagnostic tools reduces the burden of data collection for plant experts. Staff spend their valuable time in data analysis and decision making. The Exelons Advanced Monitoring program has three major elements: 1) On-Line Monitoring 2) Wireless Equipment Monitoring 3) Prognostics Health Monitoring The On-Line Monitoring program is an analytical tool to identify plant anomalies at incipient stage. The tool pulls real-time data from the PI Systems data historian and performs analysis. Appropriate staff is alerted to any anomaly identified by the tool via email. This program proved to be a paradigm shift for plant monitoring and trending. The wireless equipment monitoring has provided a new avenue to add smart sensors on plant assets. The additional sensors have helped improve plant safety. The technology has paved the way for Condition Based Monitoring. The ultimate goal of this effort is to optimize preventive maintenance program. The additional sensors will provide opportunity to utilize PI Asset Frame and PI Coresight. The PI notification will be used to warn plant staff of changing plant condition. Exelon is collaborating with OSIsoft to effectively utilize PI advanced features. The Prognostic Health program is an innovative technology to predict equipment health. This will be great tool for Knowledge Transfer and retention and troubleshooting. Analyzing Outage Impacts Using PI Event Frames and Versify NaturEner is a wind developer and operator with 399 MW of operating wind in Montana. These farms operate in relatively remote areas of the grid, and can therefore be constrained by regional transmission system outages. These outages can be caused by a variety of entities, and can have significant financial and operational impacts. Therefore, it is of interest to NaturEner to monitor the frequency, magnitude, and causes of these events for the purpose of monitoring the impact and determining if mitigation is required. NaturEner is currently utilizing the Versifyrsquos V-Performance Outage Management application in the system to log and manage turbine and wind farm outage events. These outage events are fed into PI Event Frames using Versify APIrsquos that leverage PI Enterprise OLEDB and OPC drivers. Using these event frames combined with operational data managed in PI, NaturEner builds queries and reports that easily summarize and categorize the energy lost to planned and unplanned outages. In addition, these event frames are used to evaluate operational procedures, such as the re-energization process after an outage, where data is queried and reports generated to assess plant performance. Understanding the impact of outage events on generation is essential for NaturEner in maximizing profits from our wind assets. NaturEner is a renewable energy company that has developed hydro, wind and solar utility-scale renewable energy projects in North America and Europe since 1999. NaturEner currently operates solar and wind power generation projects and has invested more than 800 million in North America since 2006. Alarm System for Structural Monitoring of Itaipu Dam Using PI System With the increasing use of technology for data analysis in complex systems, as often occurs with dam safety, it has become plausible to implement a system which performs analysis of the measuring instrument data and generates alarms concerning the structural situation of the Itaipu Binacional dam. In Itaipu, there are approximately 2,400 instruments, of which 270 are totally automatic, with readings taken every 30 minutes and positioned in key blocks of the dam. The readings from these instruments provide the data that is stored in real time in the PI Server and remains available for reading and analyses. The data stored in the PI Server is analyzed with the objective of generating alarms representing the structural situation of the Itaipu dam. For this data analysis and generation of warnings the technique applied is that of the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), a logical and deductive process that, starting from a predefined and undesired event, seeks the possible causes of said event, creating the relationships through simple logical operators (AND, OR, etc.). The failure tree structure, due to its hierarchical characteristic, is implemented by the use of the PI AF. The relationship of the logical operators is represented in the PI AF through the Formula option in the Data Reference of the Element. The nodes that represent the instruments are linked to the corresponding Tags in the PI Server through the PI Point option. The PI Notification is employed for sending the alarms, which define the elements of the PI AF that shall represent the faults and create the Triggers and alarm criteria, in accordance with the attributes of this element of the fault. Those responsible are previously registered in the system, listed in the tab pertaining to Contacts of the PI System Explorer, and receive an email with a description of the fault that occurred and the principal information to support the taking of decisions. Use of PI System in the Electric Energy Management System of Brazil The user will explain the architecture of the new EMS Network ( REGER) in use by the Brazilian Electric System Operator (ONS) and the use of PI Systems to support real-time decisions, post-operation monitoring and analysis of problems in the generation and transmission system. The Automation of Converting SCADA EMS Displays to PI WebParts The System Operations Department of Pepco Holdings, Inc. had a homegrown web server that provided users access to near real time SCADA data and the ability to view historical data using EMS display formats. After migrating to a newer release of the EMS, corporate users no longer had access to these displays. The PI System had been used to store EMS historical data for several years however, users had to use a manual process for building ProcessBook displays andor DATALINK to view historical and current data. Corporate users were accustomed to viewing SCADA data with the look and feel of EMS displays on the web. They were able to view historical data with defined schematics of a one line diagram and navigate throughout the website. Obviously, the majority of corporate users do not have access to the EMS. Engineers and interested individuals wanted to continue to see and use this data for troubleshooting, research, decision making, studies and planning. A centralized approach was needed to allow streamlined administrative maintenance, easy access and navigation, user validation and authentication. With this business challenge in mind, a technical solution to the problem needed to be addressed. With EMS licensing and compliance limitations, a PI System with PI WebParts, and MS Sharepoint was the obvious answer. Real-time data that was stored in the PI System needed to provide a less challenging way of being utilized without having to use OSIsoft tools to build and format this data so that it would be useful. An automated process to take EMS displays along with system specific data link definitions and translate or convert this information to a format usable by PI WebParts was the solution Real-time Event Detection of Microgrid Dynamics The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) microgrid control system includes PMU measurements at the point of common coupling to the area power system, San Diego Gas and Electric. Measurements include data on both sides of the 69kV12kV main transformers as well as from buildings located at various points on campus including the Scripps Institution of Oceanography located the far western edge of the campus. The PI System collects real time data from the PMUs, computes real time angle differences and automatically detects real time events. This presentation outlines an event detection mechanism based on adaptive moving average and rate of change filtering as well an on-line method of automatically determining the dynamic characteristics of the microgrid. Results show that the microgrid has less than desired damping at certain critical frequencies. A control system is proposed that could dampen the oscillations using battery-based local energy storage systems on campus. PI AF amp Notifications in Distribution Operations Presenter: Khoa Vo. San Diego Gas and Electric SDGampE Electric Distribution Operations utilizes the PI System to integrate the distribution SCADA with data on wildfires, lightning strikes, and weather to provide real-time situational awareness for control room to board room. This presentation will show how the PI System--specifically PI AF, Coresigth and PI Notifications--dramatically changed the way that the utility runs distribution operations by allowing SDGampE to: Monitor all real-time and historical telemetry reads from circuits, switches, breakers, banks, etc. with PI Coresight, PI ProcessBook, smart phones Monitor status of switching operations and provide proactive remediation capabilities Send real-time notifications to assigned groups to correct any issues, such as telemetry reads, device status, communications, etc. in early state Plan, manage and monitor load curtailment in the event of crisis Play-back events and provide lsquorecreation of incidentsrsquo or lsquosequence of eventsrsquo for root-cause analysis or identifying failure of distribution assets Provide early-warning of natural events or disasters (storms, wildfires, etc.) Use advanced weather instrumentation to monitor real-time wind direction, wind speed, wind gust, temperature, and relative humidity The PI System has enabled SDGampE to significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of electric distribution operations monitoring and awareness and ensured customers safe, reliable energy and improved quality of life for all of the SDGampE service area. Web-based Visualizations with the PI System at PGampE Electric Distribution In 2013, PGampE invested in a Fault Location Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) system across the electric distribution system. To allow multiple operation and engineering groups to monitor and troubleshoot the FLISR system, PGampE leveraged the PI System to capture SCADA data in real-time. On the front-end, PGampE built a web-based HTML5 interface that allows users to monitor real-time single line diagramsdevice trends in the PI System through their browsers and email specific links to colleagues. On the backend, the PI AF database integrates with PGampErsquos Distribution Management System (DMS), allowing any connectivity and asset changes in DMS to update circuit configurations in the PI System, reducing long-term maintenance. This presentation will demonstrate PGampErsquos PI web portal, including the HTML5 user interface and integration with DMS. DobleARMS and PI System Bring Standards-Based HV Asset Management to TVA The Tennessee Valley Authority, plans, builds, operates, and maintains, part of the electric power system in the United States. This network comprises the keystone of all other critical infrastructures in the United States. The equipment and subsystems that comprise the power system are aging at an alarming rate. The 500,000V power system, which makes up the backbone of bulk transmission system, will turn 50 next year and extend the problem of asset revitalization to these capital intensive assets. This comes at a period of shifting load patterns and changes in generation strategies that are calling upon these aging assets to perform to their limits. Additionally, increases in costs to the utility as well as a host of other drivers are making the competition for capital resources fierce. To optimize both its CAPEX and OPEX resources, as well as better understand and mitigate risks associated with management of its transmission assets, the TVA is moving towards a near real-time asset health process. To help enable this vision, TVA is partnering with Doble Engineering Co. to pilot their dobleARMS solution. dobleARMS, through its use of OSIsoft technology to include the PI System and AF-SDK, provides a method for standards based integration that leverages information from disparate enterprise datasets, online monitoring, and protective relaying that eases the burden of integration while providing actionable near real-time information about its assets. The goal is for this information to be used across the enterprise, from allowing the system operator additional insight into the health of the transformer to helping the planner to optimize OPEX and CAPEX work and up to the executive to better manage asset risk through replacement strategy. Welcome, Logistics, and Agenda Review The session opening will establish context and prepare attendees for the day. After a brief welcome, the theme of quotDecision Ready in Real-time: Enabling the Shale Revolution with the Power of Data and Informationquot will be discussed. The agenda will be reviewed with the associated logistics, concluding with an introduction to the session keynote address Proactive Critical Rotating Equipment Monitoring for Upstream Safety and Production Operations Talisman Sinopec Energy UK has used the PI System since 2001 when it was first installed for surveillance of a single subsurface well. Over the last 13 years, their PI system has evolved to become a strategic element of Talisman Sinopecrsquos technology landscape as an integration and applications infrastructure, validated with the signing of an Enterprise Agreement (EA) by Talisman Energy in 2012. There have been many PI System-based applications and solutions added over the years in the areas of process and well surveillance and single source data to hydrocarbon, chemical, and corrosion systems. However, one recent application based on the PI System has delivered significant business value around proactive monitoring of critical safety and production rotating equipment assets. This presentation will overview the history, implementation, and benefits of Talisman Sinopecrsquos Rotating Equipment Excellence Programme (REEP). It is focused on improving reliability and integrity, and reducing production losses from critical rotating equipment failures. Currently, REEP monitors 100 pieces of critical rotating equipment. The presentation will focus on the role the PI System plays, including use of PI-AF, PI-ACE, PI-PE, and PI-Notification these will be illustrated by screen shots and data flow diagrams. Realizing Value with PI Coresight in Heat Recovery This presentation will describe how SunCoke Energy has been able to use the flexibility gained with an EA to provide access to PI Coresight for all their users. It will describe the SunCoke PI System and discuss the EA signed in 2012, and then get into how Middletown Operations utilizes PI Coresight to bring value to the business. The operations section will cover how different PI Coresight displays were created to review oven push cycles and how steam and power generation is affected, as well as how the system is used to track and order chemicals for the plant. PI Coresight is utilized in operational troubleshooting of issues, training of new operators and enabling other plants to compare real-time data. PI System for Reliable Environmental amp Sustainability Management Corporate sustainability strategies are implemented and progress measured through sets of key performance indices (KPI) such as emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) and other pollutants that are of interest to stakeholders. With the financial risks caused by GHG emissions cap and trade programs, companies must closely monitor the process data essential to accurately quantify emissions. Reliable real-time data from the PI system can help companies to minimizemitigate business risk associated with measuring and reporting environmental performance. In addition, many environmental regulations set short-term (e. g. hourly) limits for emission source quantification that can be effectively tracked via process data available in the PI system. Most plants monitor and track emissions indirectly with process data parameters andor extract process data to calculation tools, such as Excel spreadsheets, to determine release quantities and demonstrate compliance. If there are quality issues in the original PI process data due to instrument malfunctions, process shutdown, etc. engineers must manually correctreconcile the data for compliance demonstration. The process may require significant effort and can delay generation of necessary reports. In order to provide reliableactionable data to enable plant environmental teams to properly and quickly respond to any excursion or deviation of environmental limits, the source data must be validated and reconciled in real-time. The ldquostatusrdquo of the critical PI tags applied for environmental monitoring and tracking often can be validated based on other process operation indicators and the results are stored as digital state status tags. After the status is established, a filtered or reconciled PI tag can be generated using the good raw data or a reconciled value based on process knowledge. This has the effect of eliminating or minimizing variable discontinuities and proffers the most accurate available information for environmental monitoring and decision making. With reconciled PI data, subsequent environmental calculations configured in PI performance equations can be executed to provide real-time environmental reporting data. The resulting environmental data are most reliable for the development of meaningful sustainability strategies. The readily accessible data also allow companies to actively and immediately compare against regulatory limitations and quickly take actions to mitigate problems. This real-time data validation and reconciliation process has been successfully implemented at a large gas processing plant in Qatar, which requires various reports, which involve continuous emissions monitoring systems and flare events. The environmental team is able to generate reliable environmental emission reports with 100 reconciled PI data. This data treatment process can be applied by all companies using the PI System to general reliable data for all critical business and environmental measurements. Time and Depth Based Analytics and Visualization in the PI System In upstream OampG the performance of depth-based analytics and visualization is a critical function for subsurface activities like drilling and well performance optimization. While some depth-based data sets require WITSM-based applications and solutions to perform full analytics and visualization, there are many situations where the PI System coupled with Microsoft BI tools can provide insight into subsurface data. This short presentation will discuss techniques to transform time-depth-measurement data sets to depth-time-measurement data sets that can be used for analytics and visualization. Examples will be discussed to illustrate key concepts and techniques. Integrating Predictive Models and Microsoft BI - A New Age in PvA Analytics While the ability to integrate future data from planning models as tables in PI-AF and do PvA analytics and visualization, the functionality and capability has been problematic. With the forthcoming release of future data storage in the PI Data Archive, coupled with advances in the PI System data access capabilities and Microsoft BI tools, the ability to perform model integration and plan vs. actual (PvA) analytics and visualization is improved significantly. This short presentation will discuss ideas and concepts of advanced PvA analytics, visualization, and BI using future data, PI-PSA, and Microsoft BI tools such as Power View and Power Pivot. Fundamental to doing this is using the underlying PI-AF to help organize, contextualize, and abstract the future data from an external model (Plan) and actual data. Update on Development of Key PI System Interfaces for Oil and Gas Effort continues on development of two critical interfaces used in the upstream Oil amp Gas industry: PI Interfaces for CygNet and for Wonderware Historian (previously known as Wonderware InSQL). Also, thoughts around collecting data from the WITSML will be discussed and augmented by Industrial Evolution, who will share their experience with WITSML data. This brief session and associated discussions will provide an update on high level functionality, development efforts, and status of each. The goal is to provide awareness and transparency for those interested and to solicit input about the interface functionality to support decision making. Using Data and Information to Help Solve the Sustainability Equation Industry and government forecast project global energy demand to rise by almost 40 by 2030. This unprecedented opportunity for the OampG industry is matched by heightened scrutiny and growing demands for transparency from government, investors and consumers. In turn, more OampG industry participants are collaborating closely with their respective suppliers, partners and contractors to address these multiple evolving challenges. Many companies now view their sustainability strategy as an engine for new ideas to bring to this conversation to deliver on goals to improve productivity, grow shareholder value, reduce business risk and control costs. This panel will discuss the role data and information play in the sustainability equation as it relates to topics including pipeline safety and integrity, water use and impacts from fracking and emissions management. The panel will be moderated by Mr. Andrew Fanara, OSIsoftrsquos Sustainability Market Principal who will be joined by thought leaders sharing their expertise in a facilitated panel discussion and QampA with the audience. Attendees will gain valuable insight to better understand how to leverage their PI System to support their companys sustainability initiatives. Report of Findings: Collaboration with Industry Partner OSIsoft in Development of Energy Management Technology Learning Laboratory for Academic RD Purposes Institute for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (IEES) at Palm Beach State College will provide a review of 3-year findings with specific attention directed to invention of an Energy Management Technology Living Learning Lab (EMT-L3) developed in close collaboration with industry partner OSIsoft. This review will consist of examination of the instructional design plan, scope of work required to accomplish goals, examples of activities, statement of best practices and lessons learned. In sum, the education training of a highly-reliable and proficient Smart Grid workforce is strongly dependent upon identifying the occupational tasks to be accomplished and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform those tasks. With support from OSIsoft the EMT-L3 allowed professors and students to work with industry as co-constructive partners to learn precisely what is required of the STEAM professional in the real-world setting. It is estimated that by year 2030 that 13 Trillion dollars will be invested in global energy infrastructure and 1.5 Trillion in the United States. The question is whether these monies will be spent on replacing existing facilities or a modern smart grid. The smart gird model is generally envisioned as a complex digitally-enhanced network of systems involving the convergence of three major industry clusters: Electric Power Utilities, Telecommunications and Information Technology. Its success dependent upon the adoption of interoperability standards to create a national end-to-end electric power delivery system that is fully-automated, reliable, flexible, self-healing and secure. Recognizing this challenge, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (IEES) at Palm Beach State College with support and funding from U. S. Department of Energy and IEESs industry partner NextEra EnergyFlorida Power Light has developed and tested curriculum instructional models for Smart Grid workforce education training. One of the primary achievements of the initiative was the development of Living Learning Labs to provide students with performance-based experiences to maintain a smart electricity delivery system, with due diligence given to issues important to energy generation, power transmission distribution, integration of renewable energy, energy storage and microgrids. Enabling Connected Vehicles Connection to a Cloud Infrastructure Both government and the trucking industry (specifically owner operators) have an acute need for real time data. Provision of real time date will enhance mobility, facilitate electronic payment, improve transportation asset condition monitoring, reduce resources required for system maintenance and increase the availability of information for performance measurement. The government in its recognition of the value of the trucking industry to the economy has undertaken two broad approaches in its vision of the connected vehicle infrastructure: Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I). For increased mobility driving factors are: (a) more efficient use of capacity (e. g. adaptive flow control), (b) more accurate and timely traveler information (c) reducing impacts of incidents on traffic flow (d) increasing reliability of freight movements and transit schedules. Improving speed and accuracy of electronic payments within the transportation infrastructure will contribute to enhanced mobility and reduction in cost of operations. To achieve meaningful results, owner operators, the government, suppliers and customers within the transportation sector must have (a) access to publicly gathered or generated data through an effective application to manage paperwork and other administrative costs connected to managing Invoicing, Repairs amp Maintenance, IFTA reporting, Payments, Dispatch, Navigation, Routing, Paper logbooks, Drivers, and (b) devices to be installed in commercial and publicly maintained vehicle fleets. Connected vehicle system capabilities will provide opportunities to improve the density, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of data collection for system management applications and drive analysis of performance measures and planning. The key components to all of this are (a) real time data capture and management (b), creation and expansion of access to high-quality, real time, multi-modal data from connected vehicles (c), providing real time monitoring and management tools based on V2I connectivity. The U. S. DOT under the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is developing the ldquoSmart Roadsiderdquo initiative as part of the V2I program with desired capabilities of (a) Real-Time traffic, weather, special event, truck parking information shared with drivers (b) Vehicle sensor data collected at the roadside shared with private vehicle maintenance providers (c) unique vehicle identifier shared with enforcement agencies (d) routing clearance information shared with drivers (e) Origindestination information shared with stakeholders to determine routing information (f) real-time drivercarriertruck information shared with enforcement agencies. This white paper will look into a case study that demonstrates how PI System will be used in the government V2I program to address real time data needs in terms of analysis, historization, visualization and delivery to the primary constituents, such as owner operators, suppliers, customers and the government through the various regulatory bodies that oversee the trucking industry. The case study will look at the value of OSIsofts PI System operating in a cloud setup on the Microsoft Azure platform as part of the V2I infrastructure. It will showcase PI Systemrsquos new capabilities, advanced analytics, visualization to owner operators in improving time management for drivers, routing efficiencies, cost management, revenue optimization and logging accuracy. Introduction An exponential (or exponentially weighted) moving average is calculated by applying a percentage of today146s closing price to yesterday146s moving average value. Exponentielle gleitende Durchschnittswerte legen mehr Gewicht auf die jüngsten Preise. For example, to calculate a 9 exponential moving average of IBM, you would first take today146s closing price and multiply it by 9. Next, you would add this product to the value of yesterday146s moving average multiplied by 91 (100 - 9 91). (Today146s Close 0.09) (Yesterday146s Moving Average 0.91) Because most investors feel more comfortable working with time periods, rather than with percentages, the exponential percentage can be converted into an approximate number of days. Zum Beispiel ist ein 9 gleitender Durchschnitt gleich einem 21,2-fachen (gerundeten bis 21) exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitt. The formula for converting exponential percentages to time periods is: You can use the above formula to determine that a 9 moving average is equivalent to a 21-day exponential moving average: The formula for converting time periods to exponential percentages is: You can use the above formula to determine that a 21-day exponential moving average is actually a 9 moving average:

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